Charlie Jenkins
physical attendance
Charlie Jenkins


United Kingdom

Charlie Jenkins originally qualified as lawyer with Berwin Leighton Paisner specialising in Asset Finance and general banking law. In 2011, Charlie joined MUFG Bank in an in-house lawyer primarily focusing on a wide range of areas including Asset Finance and Aviation. In 2015, he moved into a front office banking role with specific responsibility for the Aviation and Airports sector as the CIB industry specialist for EMEA. From 2015 through to 2020, AUM increased from an initial €700m to €10bn with MUFG winning a number of awards and taking a position as the largest global Aviation bank. Charlie left the bank in 2020 to focus on his role as Co-Founder of Aviocap and is also currently working on a number of aviation restructuring transactions.

Upgrade to initiate conversation first


Investor keynote: is aviation still delivering yields?

Jason Cipriani
Co-Managing Partner,
Corrum Capital
Chandra Gopinathan
Senior Investment Manager,
RPMI Railpen
Charlie Jenkins
Michael Lee
SVP Investor Markets,
FPG Amentum

Our panel discusses current market sentiment, assessing the strength of the aviation asset class going forward. 

  • Analysing views on current aircraft asset investment returns. Is risk being priced fairly? 
  • How important are ESG considerations in investment decision making processes? 
  • How will increasing USD interest rates impact investments in aircraft on lease?